Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Description of site

Ok, so as many of you know (but some may not) we do chairty work for our team "GiGi's Gang". This is our 'website' (we don't have the money to pay for one right now so this is what we're doing!)

I will post different events that "GiGi's Gang" will be taking part in/starting and feel free to join us!

Here's a look at GiGi's Gang's track record so far:
~ Walk Now for Autism 2008 & 2009 (http://www.autismspeaks.org/)
~ Aiden Cross benefit (with more to come) 2009 (http://www.aidenscross.com/)

I also want to do a prayer chain as well. Please e-mail me your e-mail address if you would like to be included (gigisgang08@gmail.com)!! If you have a prayer request- either leave it as a comment or e-mail it to GiGis Gang and we will forward it to everyone else (if you would like to remain annoymous- please let me know in the e-mail and I will copy and paste).

Also, if you know of anything going on-- let us know!! We would LOVE to take part in it!!

Thursday is "Pregancy & Infant Loss Remeberance Day" please take a moment to light a candle @ 7pm for all those infants and pregancy losses (this is close to me as a few friends from Ivillage have lost their little ones).

Thank you all for visiting and make sure to make this a favorite!!